For Psychotherapy and Depth Hypnosis clients ~
1. How do I book a session or consultation?
If you are a new client, please call or email me to schedule your free consultation. If you are an existing client, please call or email me to schedule an appointment. (Online booking is not yet available.)
2. What are your office hours?
My Online/Telehealth office hours are: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays by appointment.
3. How long do your sessions last?
Psychotherapy sessions are scheduled at a standard 50-min hour. If needed, you may elect for 75-min, or 90-min weekly sessions.
Depth Hypnosis sessions are scheduled at 75-min or 90-min lengths. There is an option for a 120 min (2-hr) appointment. This is generally reserved for clients doing intensive depth hypnosis work and is not a standard session length.
4. What can I expect from my first-visit intake session?
During your first visit or intake session, we will talk together and I will begin taking an “emotional biography” ~ a series of questions about your emotional state during certain phases of your life. I will also ask relevant questions related to your family history, and your physical, mental, and emotional health. There will also be informed consent and other release forms to review and sign.
5. What are your treatment sessions like?
For Psychotherapy clients, in the beginning, we take time to get to know one another and the nature of your issue. After a few sessions, depending on the nature of your healing work, treatment sessions may look many different ways. No two clients are the same. However, during your session, you can count on me to be present, attentive, open, observant, and listening for the nuances and nuggets of truths that may need to be reflected back to you.
I work collaboratively with clients, make suggestions, and always invite you to be present with yourself. Generally, we will have conversations that inquire about your thoughts, feelings, relationships, and internal state. Again, depending on the healing work you are doing, I may employ different practices in the service of your therapeutic work. My treatment page has a listing of some modalities I use. These may be focused on exploring your thoughts and memories, your physical form (the body), your emotions, or your behavior. We may do guided meditations to help you feel relaxed and grounded. Or we may do art exercises or movement. Or, we may simply talk together. The sessions will vary. If relevant, I suggest exercises or practices to do in between sessions.
For Depth Hypnosis clients, we generally do guided imagery, meditative journeys, and regressions in light trance during each session. The first half of a session is usually a check-in and discussion regarding your presenting issue. A treatment table is kept in the office and is available for the second part of session, which is when we generally do the regressions and depth hypnosis work.
6. How do I know if therapy is working? How do I know if I’m getting better?
Generally, you’ll know you’re getting better because you’ll begin feeling better ~ or at least, more present ~ in your daily life. It can take time to unwind a knotted pattern, but eventually, the issues that once bedeviled you no longer hold as much power or weight. You will feel more energized, internally open, vibrant, alive, and free. Spaciousness is present. Fear may no longer have the hold over you that it once had. Peace of mind is nearer, or comes easier.
In psychotherapy work, there is the general adage: “You may feel worse before you feel better.” This is generally because once we’ve unearthed a difficult truth, there is often real pain present that must be honored, expressed, felt, and released before the wound can close up and heal. I encourage you to stick with the work when we hit these spots, for it is at this point that many flee their treatment ~ mid-way ~ and end up half-healed, half-wounded, and disillusioned about the work.
7. What if I don’t think we are the right fit for each other?
Your personal healing work is crucial and important. Indeed, I believe, healing ourselves is the most important work we have to do on this planet. You want to make sure you find the right practitioner who will meet your needs and guide you towards healing and transformation. It usually takes about 3-6 sessions to learn if we are the right fit for the work. My general rule is to be honest and up-front with each other about this. If you feel I am not the right fit for you, or if I feel I am not the right fit for you, I have a list of capable and experienced colleagues in the area and can refer you to other practitioners.
8. Is my Psychotherapy session confidential?
Yes, with some exceptions. Legal and ethical responsibilities require that private psychotherapy sessions remain confidential. Therefore, no information will be released to another professional or agency without your written consent. Exceptions will be made only if you pose a danger to yourself or someone else, and/or in the case of child abuse, elder abuse, or some medical emergencies. In these cases, the law requires your therapist to share certain information with specific outside parties.